Spring, Mineral, Distilled and Seltzer Water: What Type is Best?

Spring water is a type of bottled water that comes from underground. As this water comes to the surface of the ground, it can be collected at the opening of a spring.
Spring Water Definition
Spring water is defined as a type of water that has come from a spring, in contrast to water that has been gathered from river water or rainwater. It is underground water that emerges from the earth's surface through a 'spring', which refers to the natural discharge point of the water.
Spring Water Benefits
This type of water is considered to be purified as it has to pass through natural filters, such as clay, limestone and sandstone. But before the water can be sold, it has to be tested and sampled to ensure that it meets regulations and is safe for human consumption. Spring water is considered to be one of the best types of water to drink in terms of hydration and its overall health benefits. This is due to the high content of minerals that are present within the water.
There are also some other recorded benefits, such as:
Oxygenates the Body's Cells
Drinking spring water provides extra oxygen for the body that is then absorbed through the blood. This means that it helps the cells to heal themselves and helps your body to oxygenate. This type of water can provide the body with oxygen that is needed for the body and the brain.
Helps Digestion
Spring water helps to aids the body in the process of digestion. It helps to break down food and allows our body to absorb the nutrients. In addition, drinking water can soften stool which can help with the prevention of constipation.
Maintain Healthy Weight
Spring water is helpful in its ability to aid weight loss. If you drink the recommended daily water intake, which is around 2 litres for a woman and 3 litres for a man, then your bodies metabolism is triggered or increased. This then allows the body to break down fat much faster.
Tastes Good
Spring water is arguably the best tasting water. This is because it is sourced from natural freshwater springs, and minerals are collected as the water flows down mountains affecting the taste of the water.
Spring Water or Purified Water?
When considering which water to drink, it can sometimes be overwhelming to consider which type of water is best for you. The decision between drinking either spring water or purified water should be based on what offers more benefits and what is better for your overall health.
They are both popular choices of water, but they do have their differences. Spring water has been naturally sourced and filtered underground. However, purified water refers to any type of water that has gone through of process of being filtered in a controlled and monitored purification process which will, in turn, remove any impurities and other contaminants.
Purified Water
This process of controlled purification involves removing bacteria, viruses, chemical pollutants and minerals such as copper. There is a basic process involved and it goes as followed:
- Positively charged chemicals are added to the water and this will neutralise the negatively charged chemicals. This step creates large particles called floc.
- This floc has a heavier weight and this causes it to settle to the bottom of the water and leaves the top clear.
- The leftover clear water is then filtered through a variety of filters that are of a different size that contain different compositions, such as charcoal, sand and gravel. This step removes unwanted particles from the water, such as bacteria and dirt.
- The last step is where chemical disinfectants, such as chlorine or chloramine, are added to the water in order to kill off any remaining bacteria and viruses. It must be ensured that the levels of chlorine are safe to drink.
There are some other methods that can be done in order to ensure that the water you are drinking is pure.
Boiling water is a great, cheap and efficient way to ensure that your water is safe to drink. This can be done by clean water being boiled and to be left at a boiling rate for one to three minutes. This removes any bacteria or germs that could become incredibly harmful if digested.
Filtering your water can be an effective way of purifying your water supply. This can rid the water of large compounds (and small) and this method is one of the healthiest compared to other forms of water purification. Carbon filters are cheap and efficient, with access to these being easy. Most fridge water filters will contain a carbon filter. Other devices that commonly use carbon filters are:
- Water Filters
- Shower Filters
- Pitcher Filters
This is a method of purification that involves using heat, allowing the collection of pure water as a form of vapor. This process removes bacteria, germs, salts, lead, mercury and arsenic.
Chlorine is used to treat water so that it is safe for human consumption. It kills germs, parasites and other dangerous substances found in the water. This is a highly effective method of water purification.
So, which is better?
Whilst purified water is not bad for you, since it has gone through a process that removes dangerous chemicals and impurities from the water, it still stands that spring water has more benefits. It provides us with essential nutrients that we need for our body and the added taste provides extra benefits.
Cedar Springs states that only 55% of bottled water, that claims to be spring water is actually genuine spring water. The other 45% is treated tap water and this does not provide us with the same benefits or have the same taste. Ensure that the water you are drinking is authentic spring water.
Spring Water or Distilled Water?
Distilled Water
Distilled water is another type of drinking water that has had contaminants and minerals removed. Due to the minerals being stripped from distilled water, it can have other uses that differ from drinking water, such as household uses; irons, watering plants and Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Machines.
In addition, because the water has been stripped of minerals, the taste is incredibly flat and for most people, this taste can be unpleasant. However, if you do not mind the taste, there is no harm in drinking distilled water, but it is not likely to improve your health any.
With that being said, Spring water is still the better option. This is because distilled water does not contain any of the minerals that are in spring water. However, if you live in an area where access to spring water is limited, or your tap water is not safe to drink, then distilled water can be a good alternative. The problem with this is storing the water as distilled water can absorb trace amounts of the substance that is containing it, such as plastic. If you do plan to drink distilled water, ensure that you are getting the minerals you need from your diet.
Whilst the water is safe to drink, the lack of minerals can cause dehydration. As we need water to keep us healthy, it is important that the water we are drinking is beneficial and that we can reap the most out of the type of water we are drinking. These are the disadvantages and benefits are distilled water.
- Producing this type of water is not energy efficient
- Does not taste as nice as other types of waters
- No minerals
- 99.99% of harmful solids and bacteria is removed
- No chemicals are added to the water
To conclude, spring water is the better option in comparison to distilled water.
Is mineral water good for you?
Mineral water is a type of water that comes from natural underground reservoirs and mineral springs. It has a much higher mineral count than your average tap water. Mineral water differs from spring water in the sense that it has added minerals to it, which creates a distinct taste. This stops it from being as natural or as pure.
However, that does not mean that mineral water is not good for you. After spring water, mineral water is the next best option. In line with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) mineral water needs to contain a minimum of 250 parts per million of total dissolved solids. Some of the minerals that are included in mineral water are:
- Bicarbonate
- Calcium
- Iron
- Magnesium
- Sodium
- Zinc
Mineral water is good for you to drink. Outlined below are some of the benefits involved with drinking mineral water.
Lower Blood Pressure
If you have low levels of magnesium, this may contribute to high blood pressure and other conditions that may cause irregular heartbeats. Mineral water is a good source of magnesium and this can help to lower the risk of cardiovascular related diseases.
Blood Circulation
Another mineral that is found in mineral water is calcium and this can encourage good blood circulation. This can also help with building and keep your bones strong, in addition to regulating the rhythm of the heartbeat.
Another great benefit to minerals waters high magnesium content is its ability to help maintain good gut health and prevent constipation. Magnesium can encourage water into the intestines and this helps to keep the consistency of the stool healthy and maintain regular bowel movements.
Mineral Water vs Seltzer
Seltzer, also known as sparkling/carbonated water is water that contains dissolved carbon dioxide gas. Seltzer water keeps its natural profile but can be flavoured with syrups in order to add extra flavour. We have outlined some of the benefits of seltzer below.
It is thought that carbonated water is as hydrating as drinking non-carbonated water. There is no evidence to suggest that seltzer is bad for you unless you are drinking it with added syrups, which can add calories and other substances, such as a high sugar content.
No Tooth Decay
With most carbonated drinks, we worry that it may contribute to tooth decay. However, seltzer, providing you are drinking it in its plain form with no added sugar, will not contribute to tooth decay. The type of carbonated drinks that cause tooth decay are those that are high in sugar.
Alternative to soda
If you drink a lot of soda and you are trying to find a healthier alternative, but you enjoy the carbonation. Seltzer provides a great alternative. Ensure that if you are using this as an alternative, then you use it in its pure form. With that being said you can use devices, such as a SodaStream, which allow you to carbonate water at home and add syrups that are sugar free. This makes it a much better choice in comparison.
The negatives of seltzer water
Like with most carbonated drinks, seltzer can cause gas a bloating, which can lead to burping and other gas symptoms. If you suffer from some gastrointestinal issues, like bloating or Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) it may be best to stay away from seltzer. In addition, carbonated water can cause heartburn and other acid reflux related issues, which can be a result of the excess carbonation.
If you are drinking seltzer water that has artificial sweeteners, then this can cause issues with diarrhoea and may cause an upset stomach. If you find this a result of drinking seltzer, either eliminate the sweeteners and stick to plain carbonated water, or stick to uncarbonated drinks.
To conclude, providing you do not find yourself with any of the abovementioned disadvantages to seltzer, it can be a great way to encourage hydration. Both mineral water and sparkling water are good for your health, mineral water is most probably the better option, simply because it eliminates the risk of bloating, gas and diarrhoea, but with that being said, seltzer is just as beneficial.
Overall Conclusion
The overall conclusion appears to suggest that spring water is the best type of water to drink. Following spring water, mineral water is another great form. In line with that, there is no harm in drinking these in carbonated form.
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