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Dance Clubs, Bars and Pubs: The Best London Nightclub

Dance Clubs, Bars and Pubs: The Best London Nightclub

Dance music is something that we can agree is a popular form of entertainment for all cultures and humanity combined. With that in mind, it is probable that we would want to find places and spaces in which we can enjoy and appreciate such music.

What is a dance club?

Dance clubs, or more commonly known as nightclubs and discos, are forms of entertainment that often include music, food and drinks as well as providing a dance floor. They will typically open in the evening and remain open until the early hours of the morning, before closing and repeating. 

You can attend many different types of dance clubs and most will incorporate a theme into their establishment, for example they will feature a particular genre of music on a particular night, such as 80's night or disco.

Dance clubs are incredibly popular and many people go to experience a variety of different dance cultures. It is a way to enjoy both the act of dancing and the immersive experience that it offers with music. For many cultures, music is a mutual language that offers forms of entertainment, socialisation and self-expression.

Are there benefits to going to a dance club?

Surprisingly, dance clubs can be considered as an important feature of modern culture. Many would suggest that nightclubs and other forms of entertainments alike are damaging and can pose risks. Whilst there are aspects of this to be true, there is evidence that suggests they are more important than we may think.

Largely, the main issues found with dance clubs is the sale of alcohol. This can lead to over drinking and potentially dangerous situations. However, in moderation, and with safety procedures in place, it can be a fun experience that we are able to thoroughly enjoy. Consuming controlled amounts of alcohol increases a chemical in your brain, called dopamine, which makes us feel happy and less stressed. However, be sure not to over-drink as this can cause the opposite effect and you may become depressed as a result. With that being said, there are plenty of people who go to dance clubs simply for the entertainment and do not consume alcohol whilst they are there.

Listening to music, dancing and have fun is a great way to relax and let go. It can help us to maximise our senses and socialise. This can reduce stress and increase self-esteem. For most people, being with our friends and having fun can improve our mental health and can increase brain health as well as enhancing our cognitive skills.

Are there negatives to going to a dance club?

Whilst dance clubs can be an amazing form of self-expression and entertainment, it is important that we acknowledge the ways in which they may start to become damaging. As with any other form of entertainment, there is the risk that we look to these as a form of escapism from our current struggles. Dance clubs have become particularly popular for this due to the sale of alcohol and the ability to become someone who you are not.

When we are at a dance club, we are able to express ourselves in ways we cannot do in everyday life. For example, we get to dress up, drink (alcoholic or not) and listen to loud music. There can be a sense of community found in nightclubs that allow for people to act outside of their true identity, where our sense of character can be formed and we are able to be whoever we want to be. This may seem great, but when it becomes a way to cope with everyday life, it can start to become incredibly unhealthy and possibly quite dangerous.

Dance Clubs Near Me - The Best London Nightclub

Whether you are visiting or you live in London, you may be wanting to try some of the best dance clubs around. It can be hard deciding where to go, so hopefully our list can help to narrow down some of your ideas. London has a great nightlife and even those who do not live locally to the area will travel just to experience the vast array of bars and clubs that London has to offer. 


Heaven is an extremely well known club. It is one of London's largest and most famous gay clubs, with drag queens and live music. It plays electro-pop, house and dance music, with DJ's and live bands to encourage you to dance the night away. The dance club first opened its doors in 1979 and still remains open today. They list weekly themed nights and list all events on their website, which can be accessed below. The club is based in Central London near Charing Cross Station.

Website: Heaven

Ministry of Sound

This is a recognisable club just through the title. Many people will have heard of this dance club as it was one of the first night clubs to be dedicated to house music only. The club itself features four rooms:

  • The Box
  • The 103
  • The Baby Box
  • The Loft

Each room encourages a different music experience. The Box, features towering speakers, with several million watts of bass and triple thick absorbing walls, producing an extremely powerful quality of music. The 103 showcases breakthrough artists as their hits become big! The Baby Box is a much more intimate room, with The Loft promotes upcoming records and promoters before they have become huge. A link to the website can be found below.

Website: Ministry of Sound 

Egg London

Egg London is a very unique venue. Located in Kings Cross, this converted Victorian warehouse, features three different levels and five rooms. It is thought that they have demonstrated a key interest in techno and house music, but they do showcase a variety of different electronic dance music genres. It has a maximum capacity of 900 and was granted a 24-hour licence on the weekends. They have won awards for the 'Best Large Club' in the DJ Magazine's Best of British Awards. The website for the dance club can be found below.

Website: Egg London

 The Underworld

This dance club is cleverly hidden under The World's End pub and showcases live music that is dedicated to alternative rock. Located in Camden. The Underworld has marked itself as being at the heart of the alternative music scene and has hosted concerts by some big name artists such as Fall Out Boy and Foo Fighters, among many others. The website for The Underworld can be found below. Capacity for this club is 500, standing only.

Website: The Underworld

93 Feet East

This dance club is based inside an old brewery and holds two large club rooms as well as an outdoor terrace that has allowed it to become of the of the best nightclubs located in East London. The music is completely diverse and ranges from jazz to classic party hits. High tech lighting and sound make the experience that much more immersive. A link to the website can be found below.

Website: 93 Feet East 

How to find 'Dance Clubs Near Me'

If you are not local to London, but you are interested in finding some local dance clubs near you, here are some ways that you are able to locate some of the best venues around. Both Tripadvisor and google maps will work for any venue that you are looking to find. If you have a location in mind, you are able to search for clubs and bars near by.


Tripadvisor is a very useful tool. It is not just for tourists and it can be used even in your home town to locate new and undiscovered locations that you are yet to visit. Simply open up the website: Tripadvisor and select 'things to do'. This should prompt an option called 'near by' which asks for permission to access your location. When approved, it will list all options near you that are considered 'Things to Do'.

From here, you are going to want to filter your search to 'nightlife' and apply. This will grant you a list of all the nightlife options, including bars, pubs and nightclubs near you. This works in most areas of the world.

Tripadvisor offers much more than just locations. You are able to access photos, reviews and directions. It can be the ultimate guide to planning your night out. 

Google Maps

Open google maps, available on your smart phone and other selected devices, and type in what you wish to find. Type into google maps 'dance clubs' and you will be provided with a list of dance clubs around you and how far. You will also be given a star rating, helping you to decide which club is best for you. Alongside this, you can find out opening times among other information. You can be directed to the website of the dance club and find out more information there.

Bars vs Clubs

It can sometimes be difficult to know if you are visiting a bar or a club... especially considering both are known to sell drinks, food and play music. 

A bar is usually more low key in terms of the music scene. Plenty offer live music and different genres of music, but the volume is essentially low enough to still allow easy social interaction. A bar will often host a scene that displays socialisation, laughs and social drinkers. A bar, or a pub, can look quite traditional and they all have a familiar 'bar' feeling. This can be through the light and decor. A bar will be filled with tables and chairs, quite often they will also provide food.

We would describe a bar as catering for a more low key night out where you are able to listen to some music, chill out and socialise with your friends.

A club on the other hand often caters for a much wider scale. Music is very loud, there are usually very few tables and chairs, some clubs are strictly standing. They will have big dance floors and most will have low lighting, bright and strobed, with little, to no food menu. The notion is much more concentrated on drinks. Additionally, clubs stay open late. Whilst pubs tend to close around midnight, some clubs are just starting to open and remain open until 3/4am.

Bars and clubs both offer benefits and depending on your preference, both can offer a great night out. We have outlined some of the negatives and benefits that come with attending dance clubs, so it only seems right that we do the same for bars.

Advantages of attendings bars verses attending clubs

Firstly, it is safe to assume that most people attend bars in order to consume an alcoholic beverage. But lets not assume this is the only reason. Bars will primarily serve alcoholic beverages, but they will sell soft drinks and mocktails in addition to those. Most will also offer snacks and food. So whilst you may go for a drink, you may also go for some nice food and a decent meal.

Meeting your friends to socialise is quite often done in bars and it is even a place to meet and socialise with new people. It is easy to meet friends, grab a drink and a bite to eat at a bar. You can enjoy low music, chat, relax and enjoy a nice evening. You can also celebrate and reward yourself at a bar after a long day.

If you struggle with social engagement, bars are a great place to help you with that. You may be approached by others who are looking to socialise and you may want to make new friends. The vibe of the bar can match a dance club if you find the right venue. Some do offer loud music and the vibe can be relaxing for most.

To conclude, if you are wanting to experience the music and drinking scene on a lower level, then a bar may be the best option for you. However, if you would like to experience the scene in full volume, then a dance club is most definitely the way to go.

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